CSR is the way to move forward for all organizations and become good corporate citizens by preserving the environment and bettering the lives of all stakeholders.

At “NAINI” we are committed to operating and growing our business in a socially responsible way. In everything we do there is a strong commitment to wider, all-round social progress, as well as to sustainable development that balances the needs of the present with those of the future. Our vision is to grow our business whilst reducing the environmental impact of our operations and increasing our positive social impact towards improving the quality of life of the communities around us. We firmly believe that engagement of local communities is essential for long-term sustainability for any organization. This also ensures the enhancement of the triple bottom line of People-Planet-Profit, depicting inclusive growth for us.

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Naini’s corporate responsibility efforts are aligned with and informed by the UN Sustainable Development Goals. More specifically, we have committed to help achieve 3 of the SDGs, and are focusing on:

  • SDG-3 Good Health and Wellbeing: Providing communities around a better healthcare environment, through our commitment to providing a fulfilling experience to the patients to get quality infrastructure support when needed.
  • SDG4 Quality Education: Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality educational environment and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all through our firm efforts by uplifting the overall infrastructure of the Government Schools. 
  • SDG-6 Clean Water and Sanitation: Safeguarding health conditions of the students at the government schools by ensuring access to safe drinking water as well as to par excellence gender-based sanitation facilities at the Government Schools we are touching.