Naini Papers Limited recognizes that its business has impacts on the environment through its operations, offices, and other activities. The Company works to prevent and reduce any adverse impacts on the environment and seeks similar commitments from its suppliers.
The company complies with, and where possible, work to exceed legal and other requirements relating to the Company and industry. NPL also keeps abreast of the latest international codes, standards, and best practices, and incorporates these into its corporate policies, business decisions, purchasing, supply chain management, development, and delivery of products and services.
NPL successfully maintains an internal management structure concerning oversight of environmental issues with clearly defined responsibilities to deliver on its environment policy commitment, monitor its environmental performance, and establish objectives and targets for improvement.
The Company’s goal is to minimize environmental impacts, promote environmental awareness within its workforce, and provide the necessary training to enable employees to fully implement this policy.
The Company’s goal is to minimize environmental impacts, promote environmental awareness within its workforce, and provide the necessary training to enable employees to fully implement this policy.
Reduction of Environmental Impacts
To reduce environmental impacts, the Company is committed to ensuring its assets are operating at optimal efficiency, and that the environmental maintenance and investments are effective through monitoring of its Environmental Performance and Environmental Return on Investment management systems. NPL will introduce the use of renewable energies; low-energy lighting solutions and energy-efficient equipment; and teleconferencing facilities to reduce travel to meetings thus lowering its carbon footprint.
The Company recognizes its key role in developing a circular economy that relies on the recycling of materials leading to less water, energy, and material consumption as well as reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It will actively seek ways to minimize carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions through reductions in energy consumption, improving operational eco-efficiency, and reducing consumption of resources.
NPL will actively innovate to find appropriate solutions for environmental challenges – from collaborations in developing bio-based products to its leadership role in promoting a circular economy. Through its Climate Change Strategy and Product Stewardship initiative, the Company will incorporate the evaluation and minimization of environmental impacts into the design of products, manufacture, handling, and transportation.
NPL is committed to expanding its business in a sustainable manner, including all criteria mentioned in this environmental policy when doing due diligence for mergers and acquisitions as well as when planning for its greenfield expansions, to report regularly on environmental issues.
Waste Management
The Company continues to manage its waste in a responsible manner and exceed regulatory requirements where possible. It is committed to reducing waste and increasing the disposal of waste through sustainable vendors that can reuse, recover or recycle. The Company is also committed to reducing its hazardous waste and ensuring that its disposal is handled by appropriate vendors.
Stakeholder Engagement
NPL is continuously working with stakeholders and partners to protect the environment, increase understanding of environmental issues and disseminate good practices; and is committed to making continuous improvements in the management of environmental impacts. This includes selecting its contractors and suppliers based on their environmental, social and governance performance, which it continually reviews. The Company’s partners also include its downstream operations as it aims to collaborate with its customers to reduce the environmental impact from logistics.
NPL will remain a responsible neighbor in the communities where it operates and supports their quality of life. The Company will have effective mechanisms in place to engage with local communities regarding its operations, likely hazards, and emergency response plans.
The Company is also committed to minimizing its environmental impacts from non-managed operations and joint ventures through adequate engagement with relevant stakeholders.
Climate Change
Climate change is widely recognized as an international concern with national governments in countries where NPL operates, and it is firmly committed to doing its part. NPL is therefore committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from its operations in a manner that supports national strategies and is in line with the commitment to its stakeholders to operate a sustainable business.
NPL climate change commitments also include climate change risk mitigation and innovation to reduce impacts, engagement with stakeholders, public disclosure, and mechanisms to ensure accountability for climate change-related matters within the organization.
The key climate change commitments of the Company are to assess the potential impact to its business from evolving climate change policies as part of its ongoing risk management processes; to work actively with the key stakeholders including suppliers to improve the reduction of waste; to report annually on the progress in its Sustainability Report.
NPL policy with respect to conserving and promoting biodiversity reflects its commitment to furthering the aims of sustainable development in the management and development of its business and enhancing biodiversity where possible.
Accordingly, the Company will work with relevant authorities and affected parties when operating from sites that are designated as being important due to their surrounding natural habitats to ensure their protection through effective pollution control measures and management plans to conserve or enhance their biodiversity.
NPL will comply with all relevant statutory requirements and guidelines with respect to designated areas on any of the new development sites. Where it needs to build, the Company will promote biodiversity, taking account of any local biodiversity networks or action plans. NPL will identify any existing sites where the potential exists for enhancing biodiversity and over time, develop appropriate action plans to achieve this in partnership with officials and those who promote biodiversity on a local and national level, and identify ways in which NPL can support the development of selected programs and initiatives.
In the event that any provision contained in this policy is in conflict with the local laws, rules, and regulations of any entity, and makes such provision invalid or unenforceable, then such local laws, rules, and regulations will prevail.